The Fourth Pre-Meeting on Female Culture and Experiences in the Qur'an and the Bible

The Meeting on Female Culture and Experiences in the Qur'an and the Bible was held by Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy on January 23, 2023.
Prof. Jacintha Veigas, professor of the pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rom and Dr. Fariba Alasvand, Assistant professor of Research Institute for Women and Family were the lecturers of this meeting.
Fariba Alasvand, faculty member of the Research Institute for Women and Family, gave a speech in this meeting:
The Qur'an has stated various dimensions about women, including women as human beings, women as a group of people in society who have duties and rights, as mothers, daughters and sisters. In addition, the Holy Qur'an has mentioned some points about perfect women and has mentioned their names and specific personalities in the moral field. The Holy Quran has expressed a new model about marriage and has emphasized three points in this case, which include peace, showing love and affection and mercy.
The place of women in the Holy Quran
This issue is important, because it was stated six hundred years after Christ. In addition, it is emphasized in the Quran that the only criterion that can compare men and women is piety. Divorce is one of the serious issues mentioned in the Quran. Morality was controlling in our jurisprudence and it is against the authorities that may have existed among a group and it was emphasized that they should be accountable to God.
The place of ethics in the Bible
Also, Jacintha Veigas, professor of theology and biblical expert at the University of St. Thomas in Italy, spoke at the meeting and said:
God has given certain people special moral norms that can bring other people to a high level of morality and lead people to sublime levels. In Christian and evangelical ethics, God is shown in human form, which shows practical ways to man, including love for God and goodness.
Based on this ethics, we can understand the love of men and women as God's creations, and paying attention to these points raised in the Bible leads to love and affection for God and creations. Of course, morality does not come in this theoretical form in the Bible, but it is said that God is responsible for the moral guidance of his servants, but people can follow God or choose another way. Men and women should have the same rights and we can learn these points from the men and women described in the Bible.
The necessity of combining the views of Islam and Christianity about women
In many cases, we may not share with Muslims, but in many cases we can have close views and combine our views with each other. Also, in the Old Testament, the kingdom of God is mentioned, which is considered a quasi-political organization, and the meaning is that justice should be spread everywhere. The divine kingdom belongs to Jesus Christ and Jesus (pbuh) is the symbol of God and divine justice. In fact, Jesus (pbuh) is a character that this title is for and about him.