:: Instruction for Paper
Paper Writing Guide
1. Basic Criteria for Acceptance of the Paper
- Submitted papers should not have been previously presented or published elsewhere or sent to other journals at the same time to be published.
- Since all Persian papers are first matched in the Samim Noor system, to speed up the judging process, it is better for respected authors to make sure of the authenticity of their paper through this system before submitting.
- The paper should be typed in Word document with DOCX format (with Noorzar font 13 for Persian and Times New Roman font 10 for English).
2. Criteria of Papers from Other Works
If the paper is from special:
Thesis (full title, supervisor, date of defense, university) or
** Papers submitted by students (masters and PhD) cannot be accepted on their own and the name of the supervisor must be included.
Research project (full title of the project, date, project partners, affiliated organization) or
Oral presentation at the conference and congress (full title of the conference or congress, date, affiliated organization), the author is obliged to include the detailed information of the affiliated work. Otherwise, at any stage when the journal notices the author's lack of notification, it will deal with it according to the regulations.
Length of Paper
Number of words in the paper: 5000 to 7500 words
Number of keywords: 4 to 8 keywords
Number of words for the abstract: 150 to 200 words (the abstract should include the main purpose, problem, or question of the research, methodology, and important results of the study)
How to Include Personal Information of Authors
The corresponding author must be designated in works that have more than one author. The term (corresponding author) should be inserted in front of the name of the desired author.
The sender of the paper is considered as the corresponding author and all subsequent correspondence and information will be done with him or her.
The organizational affiliation of the authors must be provided accurately and according to one of the following patterns:
1. Faculty Members
Academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor), department, university, city, country, e-mail.
2. University Students
Student (Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D.), field of study, university, city, country, e-mail.
Individuals and Independent Researchers
Degree (Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D.), field of study, organization, place of work, city, country, e-mail.
Islamic Seminary Students
Level (2, 3, 4), field of study, Howzeh (Islamic Seminary), seminary school, city, country, e-mail.
Structure of Paper
The body of the paper should include the following sections:
1. Title
2. Persian abstract (explanation of the topic/problem/question, purpose, method, results)
3. Introduction (including the statement of the problem, literature review (Persian and English), the importance and necessity of conducting the research and the reason for the novelty of the paper)
4. Main body (explanation and analysis of topics)
5. Conclusion: (author's discussion and analysis)
6. Acknowledgment: it is suggested to mention the collaborating institutions and funding sources for the research. The people who somehow played a role in conducting the research, or who tried to prepare and provide the necessary facilities, as well as the people who labored in some way in reviewing and editing the paper, should be acknowledged and thanked by mentioning their names. Permission is required from the organizations or individuals whose names are acknowledged.
7. References (Farsi and English references, in addition to the original language, must be translated into English and edited with APA style and inserted after the bibliography section, under the references section).
Footnotes, in-text references and references
Citation Method: APA
* Do not refer directly or indirectly to the name of the author/authors of the paper in the text or footnote.
*Specific names and English terms and explanatory references should be mentioned in the footnotes.
*Direct and long quotations should be avoided (it must be clear in the paper which part of the text is a direct quotation).
*Direct quotations up to 40 words must be in quotation marks "" and longer than that must be indented.
In-text References
* How to cite a verse from the Qur'an: (Baqarah, 5)
* How to cite Nahj al-Balaghah: (Nahj al-Balaghah, sermon 50).
*Do not include any references in the footnote.
*The full information of the references in the text must also be included in the references section of the paper.
Important Dates
Deadline for Full Article Submission: Semptember 22, 2024

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