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The Meeting on Ethics of Interaction with Followers of Other Religions in Islam and Christianity

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The Meeting on Ethics of Interaction with Followers of Other Religions in Islam and Christianity

The second pre-meeting of the international conference on comparative studies of ethics in Islam and Christianity was held with the presence of Professor Joseph Ellul from Italy and Dr. Seyed Mustafa Daryabari at Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy on December 10, 2022,

The second pre-meeting of the international conference on comparative studies of ethics in Islam and Christianity was held with the presence of Professor Joseph Ellul from Italy and Dr. Seyed Mustafa Daryabari at the Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy on December 10, 2022,

A report of this scientific meeting is presented below.

The meeting started with the welcoming of Professor Joseph Ellul from Italy in Rome and the discussions continued with the introduction of the two sides of the debate, the European [Vatican side] Mr. Joseph Ellul and the Iranian lecturer Dr. Seyed Mustafa Daryabari. Dr. Daryabari opened his speech by welcoming Mr. Joseph and the university students, and then Mr. Joseph Ellul began his speech by dividing it into two parts: a) How God talks to humanity in the Bible; b) How our conversation should reflect God's conversation with human.

Then he stated the starting point in the Bible that the creation of the universe [world] is like a house for man and woman who are the representatives of humanity.

The second scene, the conversation between God and human, is the scene after the flood when Noah comes out of the ark. After the water receded, God made a covenant not only with Noah and not only with all humanity but with all creations and the rainbow was the seal of the dialogue between God and human, which was the bridge between heaven and earth.

In the third scene, God commands us to love him and to love our neighbor with all our heart and to teach it to our children and to our family. Love for neighbor is the result of love for God. In facing each other, we must see Jesus in each other. As if he is judging us. He mentions three cases, the first of which is the story of Jesus and the officer or soldier. A Roman soldier met Jesus and begged him to heal his servant. Jesus wanted to go to the soldier's house, but the officer said, "I don't deserve you to come to my house." Just say the words and my servant will be healed. Here, on the one hand, we have the attitude of love and compassion of Jesus, and on the other hand, the attitude of faith and trust of the Roman soldier.

Final word: The ultimate principle and goal of achieving clarity is presentation through transparency in communication. One must be generally honest by clearing up misunderstandings about what everyone may be involved in, and discuss what everyone thinks are others' core beliefs. Consistency is another key factor in interfaith dialogue.

Then, Dr. Daryabari said The Qur'an speaks of adherence to one of the important principles of Islam, which is mentioned in Surah Mubarakah Isra', verse 70 [We honored the children of Adam]. The Qur'an says that a person, whether male or female, has dignity; Also, in Surah Momtahenah, verse 8, we have the term [Tabarohom wa Taqsutou Elaihim], which means to love at the highest level and treat fairly. Dr. Daryabari mentioned a hadith from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) [I killed, I killed, I did not go to Paradise]; Whoever kills a person from Dhimma will not smell the fragrance of heaven. Also, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, "Whoever oppresses someone, I am his enemy".

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) says, "If you sit with a Jew, be kind to him".

Imam Reza in response to the question that says how should someone pray for a Jew or a Christian? He says, "Tell him that God bless you in this world".

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) says, "May God have mercy on the person who attracts people's love".

Important Dates

Conference Date: February 2025

Deadline for Full Article Submission: Semptember 22, 2024


