The meeting on Orthodox Experiences in the Face of the Spread of Atheism
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The meeting on "Orthodox Experiences in the Face of the Spread of Atheism" was held by the Research Center for Islamic Philosophy and Theology in cooperation with the Center for Scientific and International Cooperation and attended by Bishop Ignatius Stavropoulos, Secretary of the Monastery of Metamorphosis in Greece.
According to the International Office of ISCA, at the beginning of the meeting, the secretary of the Greek Monastery of Metamorphosis, while addressing the prevalence of modern atheism in the West, said, "Some people say that the number of atheists has increased in Germany, the United States, Iran, etc., and in this way they try to lead the minds of children to atheism, but I do not think these statistics are true."
Ignatius said, "I want to illustrate the current and future situation of Iran; Suppose it is 2005 and the government tells you that you do not have the right to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (PBUH), now the same situation exists in many western countries and they put obstacles in front of the church.
He said that it is impossible for anyone to change their beliefs in old age, adding, "We go to visit relatives and visit holy places and pray and this is considered the moral basis in religions, but the great challenge of societies is the fate of our children's beliefs, because atheism has penetrated secretly at all levels."
He added, "In order to prevent atheism, in addition to looking outside, we must also look inside ourselves." If we make a mistake and, instead of examining our problems, place the responsibility and negligence on the institution of education and the government, we have missed opportunities and contributed to the spread of atheism. We have to take care of ourselves and think and have nothing to do with others. In this case, there will be no atheism."
The secretary of the Greek monastery of Metamorphosis raised the question "how to put an end to atheism?" He said, "The first step and obstacle against atheism is in the hearts and minds of people, and if we strengthen the church in the West and prepare the minds and hearts of the people, the power of atheism will decrease."
He also stated, "Experience has shown that those who believe in God live both longer and healthier, and even when a doctor tells them that they are dying, because they believed in God, they accepted it better and even they were healed. The new atheism has no future, because it does not present any clear path to individuals, and for this reason it will disappear."
At the end of the meeting, those present expressed their views on atheism in Western societies and today.